Not just video game consoles | Alesis Andromeda A6 vintage synthesizer repair

Our company name doesn’t always lend itself well to the scope of our abilities so I will be making some occasional blog posts on some of the more unusual repairs that we do at our shop. A lot of the skills required to do the intricate work on video game consoles can also be applied to other electronic devices.

Last week we had a customer come in with an Alesis Andromeda A6 vintage synthesizer. He had already done the online research on what the likely faults were (THANK YOU!) but needed a helping hand to get the intricate work of transplanting a new surface mount CPU and Flash on to the motherboard. The original CPU had been removed by a friend of the owner, however in the process there were some pads that were fully pulled off of the motherboard. Thanks to the great documentation online, we were identify some alternative points to solder to, replaced both chips, and also installed a convenient removable battery holder for the on-board settings.  We also got word back the next day that everything worked great after re-installing the board into the device.  Woot!

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2 thoughts on “Not just video game consoles | Alesis Andromeda A6 vintage synthesizer repair”

  1. Hello.
    I need information.
    I have an A6 (deepForest) that I salvaged.
    The CPU was successfully replaced.
    It works very well BUT, a problem with the multi-effects.
    Since the replacement of the cpu the fx no longer work.
    An idea ?

    • Hey Fred,

      Unfortunately this isn’t something we work a lot on so not to sure what could be the cause of your particular issue.


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